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A singing group for mums

A unique mix of choir, mother's group and playgroup, MaCapella is a singing group but more so is a social connection for parents.  

There are no prerequisites, there's no experience required, no auditions and no reading music, just a welcoming space for mums to come along to with (or without) their babies and toddlers, connect with other parents (dads are welcome too) and experience the joy of singing together. 


A typical class begins with getting the children settled in and a chat.  Then we move into a physical and vocal warm up (the stretching is my favourite part of the day!) and the last half is spent learning or revising songs.

We set up activities, toys and books for the children to play with, parents bring food and the children tend to move between standing with mum, playing instruments and engaging with the music or playing independently.  

Throughout the entire session parents are free and encouraged to attend to their little ones' needs as required.  It's really very relaxed and yet we manage to achieve a repertoire of great songs which sound amazing!   The key is in the recorded vocal parts you can access at home.  This allows you to practise when no one's listening and learn your part to perfection.  The following week you can come back looking like a pro!


Some members are new to motherhood and wanting to connect with other mums. Some want their children to experience the socialisation and explore sound and rhythm. Some just want to get out of the house and do something for themselves!


The benefits?  There has been plenty of research over the years about singing and it's benefits.  

Physically, it increases oxygen to the blood, exercises muscle groups, improves breathing and posture and can even help with immunity.  

Mentally, it releases endorphins, reduces stress cortisol and has been proven to improve cognitive function.  

The impact of singing in a group can be so powerful, breathing and heartbeats can begin to regulate.  Working together toward a common goal provides a sense of belonging and wellbeing.  The benefits for you and your child are limitless!







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